Useful TIPs

How to Enable Registry Editor ?

Registry Editor is the tools for managing your Operating System and other installed softwares. This may be disabled by Virus or by your System Administrator.
This can be enabled by as follows.

Please follow the following steps to Fix.

1. Click on Start Menu --> Run --> type gpedit.msc and Click on OK.
2. it will open a window, in that window, nagivate to

(in Left side window) "User Configuration" -> "Administrattive Templates" -> "System"

(in Right side window) Find "Prevent access to registry editing tool".

Right Click on it, select Disable and click on Apply.


1. Click Start>Run
2. Cut and paste on Run “field” the line below to Unlock Registry Editor.
REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f